Wednesday, January 2, 2008

It's the 1st of the year.

Did you make any New year's Resolutions?

Mine was to become more tolerate of ignorant people. It's as simple as that.

Is your's about saving money?

This blog is for you.

DH and I are taking our vacation this year (it's actually last years vacation) in March when my youngest is out on spring break. We're heading to Florida. My parents live there and we'll be able to stay with them and won't have to spend money on hotel bill. We'll also be cooking meals at Mom's house so there won't be much dining out except when we're on the road. I just want to sit on the beach and listen to the waves. But inorder to afford this we have to save $$$ between now and then.

One thing we have done for a while now is put every spec of change we get into a jar. We cash this jar in before we leave and this is our spending money on the trip down. It's about 12 hours. We're splurging and renting a car.

the last time I used the change in the jar it was about $100. We'll have about 5 months when we bust it open.

I've also decided to start purging my home of the collectibles that have been gathering dust. (except of course my nightmare before christmas collection.some of these are picured above.)

this should also give us some extra money and help make sure all my utilities are current before we leave.

Hope you all are sticking to your resolutions. I know it's hard for me. but I am trying.


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